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Crows are very social, and interaction with other crows is highly important to them. This is partly due to the fact that crows will, in addition to defending it's family, come to the defence of any other distressed crow (Wow, if only people were like that!). The mating habits of crows are typical of most birds, the male will ruffle his feathers, and strut or fly by in an attempt to win the favor of the female crow. Once this being acomplished, the crows usually mate for life.

Crows are cooperatinve breeders, both male and female take turns sitting on eggs. Also youger crows help gather material for the nest, and also help in protecting it.

The life expectance for a crow living in the wild in typically 8-12 years. though sickness, and predators tend to shorten this. The oldest recorded age of a crow was 29 1/2 years old (Dilling, 1988, Ontario Bird Banding Association Newsletter 22:2-3.)

As far as intelligence goes, there are several reasons they are widly regarded as one of the most inteligent species of bird. First of all the fact that they commonly make use of tools, suck as rocks, twigs, etc. in day to day life. Second some people claim that they can count. But while this would not suprise me, I personly have not been able to find hard evidence of this.


Further more crows have very good memories, they never forget things that should be feared, or where a chache of food is. The primary predators of crows are hawks, and owls.