






First of all, some general information about crows. The crow belongs to the corvidae family of birds. This family also includes ravens, and magpies to name a few. Crow are thought to be among the most intelligent of all birds, this is partially evident in thier family structure, which I will explain later.

All american crows , corvus brachyrynchos are completely black. There are two reasons for this. First of all is for identification, as black is a very distinct color in the day a crow can spot another crow from a good distance. The second, and most important, is for protection. As black is very apparent during the day it is equally difficult to see at night. There are other forms of corvidae that are not completly black, but as this page is dedicated to crows this fact has little bearing here!


The average size of an american crow is about 17" to 21" beak to tail. Thier weight is about one pond. Oh and as for figuring out the sex of a crow do't bother trying, the only garunteed way is DNA testing, but close observation during mating season may help (but probably not).